Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Second Extraction

After the first week, our original filtered extract was almost gone and the diluted mixtures that were made from it were showing that the curcumin left out at room temperature was oxidizing and therefore no longer usable.  The new extract is going to be kept in refrigeration when not in use and extractions will be more frequent, most likely weekly.

A larger volume of extract was filtered this time and will be used to attempt to separate the curcuminoids by column chromatography. 

-Alex Griffith

Tuesday, May 29, 2018

UV results

The curcumin extract was run through the UV machine again using the dilution that was found to be optimal before, 1:500 curcumin:ethanol.  This time, trials were run adding 20µl of a solution containing metal.  Results showed that both aluminium and iron bonded to the curcumin and changed its shape, however they changed the shape in different ways because the resulting curves were very different.  Calcium did not change the shape of the original curcumin UV curve, it did change the absorbance but that was only due to the addition of the calcium solution dilution the curcumin solution further.

There was a problem with getting the data from the machine.  The results could not be exported digitally because the software was so out of date.  The computer reading the results was also not connected to the internet and could not be connected, and in addition, it could not be connected to a printer.  Further analysis of the results will have to wait until the data can be exported.
-Alex Griffith

Monday, May 28, 2018

100uL Fe-Curcumin Complex IR Results

Today, an infrared (IR) spectra was run for the filtered curcumin extract.

Next, an infrared (IR) spectra was run for the 100uL Fe (3+)-curcumin complex.

Analysis of both IR spectra revealed the loss of the carbon-oxygen double bonds of a curcuminoid of curcumin. The IR spectra of the Iron (Fe 3+)-Curcumin complex does not contain that extra spike slightly above 1500ccm^-1, indicating that iron has replaced the original carbon-oxygen double bond.

-Kaitlyn Jordan

Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Initial UV Preliminary Testing

Today the preliminary scans of curcumin and the curcumin with metal were run to check for trends.
Using the program UV Probe- (Spectrum), the initial scans showed a large difference between the UV curves of the curcumin solutions with and without metals.

The optimal dilution for the machine was found to be 1:500 curcumin solution to ethanol.

-Alex Griffith

Tuesday, May 22, 2018

TLC- Thin Layer Chromatography

Once the solution was purified, a TLC was run to see if:
1. The sample was pure.
2. Three distinct spots were visible, meaning all three curcuminoids were present in solution.

The solvent used in the TLC chamber was a 95:5 mixture of CH2Cl2:CH3OH.
Two spots of the filtered curcumin sample were used initially.
The resulting plate looked as follows:

The result produced three distinct spots for each original run.  This means that all three curcuminoids were in solution and the solvent in the chamber was appropriate for the test.

The spots were assigned designations A, B, and C, from top to bottom, meaning that the spot that traveled 4.10cm was A.

The Rf values were:
Rf A- 0.788
Rf B- 0.654
Rf C- 0.558

-Alex Griffith

Initial Extraction

The powdered turmeric root was used as the source of the curcumin.
In a round bottomed flask, 3.0026g of the powder was combined with 60ml of pure ethanol.
The mixture was heated (with boiling chips) for approximately two hours.
The instrument set up was as pictured:

After heating the apparatus was turned off.  The flask was left to cool and settle overnight (5-21-18).

The next day the solution was filtered using a syringe and a syringe filter into a clean bottle:

Due to the concentrated color of curcumin, staining of skin, surfaces, and glassware was extremely common.

-Alex Griffith 

Important Initial Information

Meeting times: Mon-Thurs 10-3
Mentor: Dr. Kahyaoglu, Dr. Scala
Location: SA116
Team Members: Alex Griffith, Kaitlyn Jordan, Isaac Kim, Alexander Czechowicz, Liliana Torres, Andrew Markov, Clara Kim
Dr. Kahyaoglu Availability: Monday and Wednesday from 10-3 in SA116

Goals and Objectives:
1. Extraction of curcumin from ground turmeric.
2. Use of TLC/HPLC/IR/UV to test for curcuminoids and to test our extracted curcumin against the commercially available curcuminoids.
3. Testing the reactions with metals of each curcuminoid, comparing UV results with the computational results.
4. Creating an extract based arthritis cream.  Application and effectiveness will be recorded.

-Alex Griffith