Tuesday, May 29, 2018

UV results

The curcumin extract was run through the UV machine again using the dilution that was found to be optimal before, 1:500 curcumin:ethanol.  This time, trials were run adding 20µl of a solution containing metal.  Results showed that both aluminium and iron bonded to the curcumin and changed its shape, however they changed the shape in different ways because the resulting curves were very different.  Calcium did not change the shape of the original curcumin UV curve, it did change the absorbance but that was only due to the addition of the calcium solution dilution the curcumin solution further.

There was a problem with getting the data from the machine.  The results could not be exported digitally because the software was so out of date.  The computer reading the results was also not connected to the internet and could not be connected, and in addition, it could not be connected to a printer.  Further analysis of the results will have to wait until the data can be exported.
-Alex Griffith

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